Meet the Moderation Team
Name: BeyondUA (???/???)
Discord Username: BeyondUA#3937
Character(s): The Beyond UA Server
Specialty: Mod— Everything
Timezone: All of the Timezones
BeyondUA is the Mod Team account and is in charge of all correspondence and server logistics. Feel free to DM this account with questions and a Moderator will follow up as soon as possible!
Name: Danae (she/they)
Character(s): Akiko Kaira, Anzu Muramasa, Aio Nairi , Carmen Saboten
Specialty: Mod— Birthday Announcer
Timezone: NZT (UTC+12)
Availability: I am basically always available unless I am asleep or cooking dinner which I do every night at 5:30pm NZT.
Fun Fact: I have two pets; a domestic shorthair cat named Kara (who is a hellion at times but very baby and big chonk the rest of the time) and a labradoodle named Millicent Mayhem A. Dog who is my big old dogger who I have had since I was 8. I want to get another couple cats and/or dogs preferably the fluffier the better. I love baking and I am the main cause of butter not being in my house due to it.
Name: Ceno (he/him)
Character(s): Kilik Hokusai, Neil "Nyall" Jae-Seong, Yvonne Foster, Sumie Toyohiro
Specialty: Mod— TBA
Timezone: EST (UTC -5)
Availability: I'm available the majority of the day from the early afternoon to late at night, checking the channels like a hawk.
Fun Fact: I'm super invested in competitive fighting games, but I love to unwind with some RPG goodness just as much. Particularly okay at smash bros.
Name: Lily (she/her)
Character(s): Chiyuki Mikazuki, Noël Pilkvist, Hayase “Mako” Manahimeko, Rhodes Whisperain
Specialty: Mod— TBA
Timezone: GMT +8
Availability: Online most of the time, but proper availability is during 1-3pm (SGT) and after 6pm (SGT) on weekdays; full availability on weekends
Fun Fact: Identity is a social construct! Return to shapeshifting!! I'm just your local Yōkai and washi tape hoarder! Jokes aside, I am a preschool teacher IRL, though I may not look like it (I get told I look very strict sweats). And believe it or not, it's always fulfilling to see something flourish even if the process is a long one uwu
Name: Selkie (she/her)
Character(s): Castel Torres-Knezevic, Mari Yoshida-Garcia, E.M., Thief of a Thousand Teeth
Specialty: Mod— Docs Wrangler; Task Delegator; Wix Site Wrangler
Timezone: CST (UTC -6)
Availability: I'm (somehow) AWAKE between 10AM and 3AM [CST] most days, but I'm the most active in the afternoon between 2PM and 5PM, and at night from 8PM - 2AM. Don't be afraid of me being on the [Do Not Disturb] status or me in the morning, my DMs are definitely open!! If you don't get an answer from me within like a hour or two when I'm available, definitely ping me again!
Fun Fact: I majored in biology, and will talk ur ear off about spiders and snakes! They're so cute… look at them… I lift the 8-legged puppers up and the hiss hiss doggos up. Plus!! I do a lot of baking and my pet is actually my sourdough culture, named Randall!
Name: Wynt (he/him)
Character(s): Dizmalea Cale, Katsuo Hanzou, Edyn Clawthorne, Jayde, Zegerid Winkelstein
Specialty: Mod— TBD
Timezone: EST (UTC -5)
Availability: TBD
Fun Fact: TBD
Name: Kracie (he/they)
Character(s): Tomoki Matsuoka, Anastasio Caro de Alonso, Panavipe, Hazuki Kawabōzu
Specialty: Mod— Social Media Specialist
Timezone: PST (UTC -8)
Availability: Online a loooot, with exception to holidays and the few odd days out I'm pretty much always here.
Fun Fact: When I was 6-8 once a month for swimming lessons I would have to jump down a 25ft diving board. What does this mean? I do not fear you nor the thing in the basement. :)
Name: Izuru (he/him)
Character(s): Hana Kibou, Amadeus Alice, Gertrude Künstilch, Lucky Yoshida
Specialty: Mod— Flan
Timezone: EST (UTC -5)
Availability: Every. Single. Day. Of. The. Week. On. The. Phone.
Fun Fact: Really into big dumb mechs and super infatuated with Venom/symbiotic relationships.